Palms and Plants of the NC Piedmont
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Here are some pictures of palms and other plants growing in and around Winston-Salem.

Trachycarpus fortunei in Hickory, NC
This palm has been growing unprotected since the late '40s or early '50s. It now stands at 25 feet.
Trachycarpus fortunei in Winston-Salem, NC
On the way home from a beach vacation to Carolina Beach, NC, a little girl asked her dad to buy this palm and bring it back to Winston-Salem. Her dad agreed and it has been growing happily since the early '60s.
Trachycarpus fortunei in Winston-Salem, NC
This palm is growing at a fellow SPEPS member's home here in Winston-Salem.
Trachycarpus covered with snow.
Trachycarpus are used to snow in their native habitat. I snapped this shot of one growing at my house after a January 2002 snowstorm that dropped about 4''.
Trachycarpus fortunei in Winston-Salem, NC
This palm is planted at the home of a 93-year-old woman who loves palms. It isn't protected in winter.

Chamaerops humilis in Winston-Salem
This plant, grown from seed, was planted out in the mid-80s. The guy who planted it says it has never been protected, which probably accounts for its small size. It was most likely frozen back in the cold winters of 1989 and 1996.